Rémy Beumier

Front-end Developer

[email protected]





Front-end Developer @VOO

VOO // June 2023 - Now

Front-end developer at VOO in service experience team. Different web and mobile projects, from scratch or to improve, using React, React Native, TypeScript, Node.js and Firebase.

BistrO: Web app for technicians management, evaluation and reporting

  • Development from scratch using React, TS and Firebase
  • Fully manageable data via advanced tables and forms
  • CRON functions for reports, calculation, emails and backups

Wall-e: Web app for automation, asset and ticket management

  • Type safety with TypeScript
  • Automation scripts with Testcafe
  • Front-end development in React, TS, CSS-in-JS
  • Back-end improvements in Node.js, MySQL and Firebase

Voices: Mobile app for advanced communication with testers

  • React Native development with Expo for iOS and Android
  • Real time database with Firebase
  • Real time data, chat and notifications

Front-end Developer & Integrator @PTC

Positive Thinking Company // November 2020 - Now

Front-end developer and integrator in the PTC Delivery Center, I worked on different projects, mostly in React, using industry standards such as Scrum agile, Git, Npm, Confluence, Jira and Figma.

Paris Padel Major: Padel tournament website.

  • Front-end development from Figma design using React and CSS-in-JS (Emotion & Styled-system)
  • Used advanced CSS grid developed for the layout of the blog, image and video items
  • Conducted tests with Jest and React Testing Library

Onomo: African hotels website

  • Integration and front-end development from Figma designs to React and CSS-in-JS coding
  • Complete booking process with advanced forms such as a Date picker, phone numbers (regex) and custom select
  • Improved the internal React Boilerplate

Omega: Canadian zoo website

  • Integration and front-end development from Figma designs to React and CSS-in-JS coding
  • Complex components in the likes of a Swiper, a Carousel, Deep navigation bar and Filtering
  • Used recent CSS features in the names of Image clip-path and CSS grids

Eli Paris: Jewellery e-commerce website

  • Integration development from InVision designs to Angular and Sass
  • CSS from scratch with Sass leveraging Grids and Multi-columns layouts

Front-end Developer @BICS

BICS // August 2022 - December 2022

Front-end developer on a 5-month long mission to manage the development of two BICS Components libraries. Based on an internal design system (Figma), I engineered one for React projects and another for a JavaScript team.

React JS BICS Component Library

  • Developed 30+ components to be integrated on various web applications using React, Ant Design and Less
  • Ensured theming capabilities to match projects color schemes with Less pre-processor
  • Conducted functional, visual, accessibility and responsiveness tests through Storybook
  • Documented development process and usage via Storybook

JavaScript Component Library

  • Developed 30+ components to be integrated on a crucial internal application using JavaScript and Sass
  • Ensured CSS scalability and maintainability with Sass and CSS variables
  • Conducted functional, visual, accessibility and responsiveness tests through Storybook
  • Documented development process and usage via Storybook

Front-end Developer @KPMG

KPMG Belgium // May 2017 - November 2020

Development and improvement of internal websites working with different front-end languages (e.g., HTML, CSS, JS) and transversal tools.

Umbraco CMS: Coding of websites

  • Development from base layout using HTML, CSS (Sass) and JavaScript to match business requirements for 3 new sites: KPMG Careers, KPMG Law and KPMG Alumni
  • Created new components with advanced features such as Splash video, Carousels, Custom map, Instagram feed, Events and Job fetching (JSON) to match extra needs from the departments
  • SEO improvements and analytics setup working closely with marketing team
  • Websites fully responsive and cross-browser compatibility down to Internet Explorer 9 implementing, for example, CSS media queries, Bootstrap and polyfills
  • Documented development process and content creation

Sharepoint: Creation of custom web parts

  • Upgraded the intranet from SharePoint 2013 to 2016 by recreating, redesigning and improving the pages in line with the different departments using HTML, CSS and JS
  • Created custom web parts for special cases
  • Taught and documented how to use the intranet, create content and the basics of web development

AEM: Crafting of custom pages

  • Developed special pages for marketing campaigns using HTML, CSS and JS
  • Built an internal promotional calendar and carousel inside Adobe Experience Manager with specific needs from a department



remybeumier.be // version 2022

Collection of professional and personal projects presented in a Next.js website.

See portfolio website (https://remybeumier.be/projects)


Development skills

  • React
  • React Native
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Redux
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • Firebase
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Npm
  • Yarn
  • JSON
  • Jest
  • React testing Library
  • Storybook
  • Sass
  • Less
  • CSS-in-JS
  • Bootstrap
  • Bulma
  • Tailwind
  • ES6
  • Git

Methodologies and Tools

  • Scrum Agile
  • Responsiveness
  • Accessibility
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • BEM
  • Atomic design
  • SEO
  • Confluence
  • Jira
  • Figma

Soft skills

  • Problem-solving
  • Life-long learning
  • Prioritisation and time management
  • Open communication
  • Adaptability
  • Teamwork


  • French
  • English
