Rémy Beumier

Front-end Dev

I'm Rémy, I'm a Web Lover based in Brussels and I specialise in Front-end Development.

Ever since my young years, I have always enjoyed building things. I started developing my passion for creation with Lego, continued with Minecraft and ultimately discovered Web development.

It was a relief to find out what I really wanted to do for a living. I took full advantage of that motivation to start a long, difficult, but passionate journey of self-learning front-end technologies.

I began coding everyday for a living and as a hobby with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I could improve my skills step by step by working as a team player, using Git, Agile methodologies, NPM and Figma, among others.

React is now an essential part of my daily coding routine, combined with Redux, Ant Design, Sass, CSS-in-JS and many more.

Check out my resumeDownload my resume


I build projects as a living and as a hobby. Here is a list of my favorites.


I write some stuff about coding and the web in general. Here are the latest posts.

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